January 3, 2009

First altered item of the new year

Last night Riley and I created our first altered item of the new year. I bought these silver plated ornaments (which are pretty heavy for what it is) from a Red Envelope warehouse sale last year for $1. I didn't know what exactly to do with it until now since the middle portion had 2005 engaved onto them. So I took two Fiskar border punches (Flowers and Icing on the Cake) to create the tiny flowers. Used My Mind's Eye scraps from the Island Stylin' Christmas layout. Oh and I found Making Memories metal words from ribbon slides in my stash. I tinted it with Pinata alcohol inks. The ornament was actually shiny but I brushed the surface with a sanding block. I should actually tint the whole ornament the next time. Guess I have 4 more to get it right.

By the way, Riley now has an imaginary friend. . . Aboo from Aladdin. He followed us to my mom's for dinner and around Home Depot tonight. I tried to OFF him by tripping over him a few times and lock him out in the cold but no luck; he's in the house now.


pruts said...

oh this is great !!

Anonymous said...

Very cute. Love it.